The View from Mount Calvary, John Phillips

I'm sad to leave the book of Genesis and Jack Abeelen's warm voice each morning.  I haven't enjoyed Genesis in that way in a long, long time--if ever.  The process of taking notes on his sermons and the frequent transcription of his words slowed me down and helped me ruminate over these people. I'm thankful for Pastor Jack, his habit of recapping before moving on, and his gift of insight.

Back when Pastor Jack was working through Abraham, he mentioned a book, The View from Mount Calvary, by John Phillips. The premise and subtitle of this effort is to offer "24 portraits of the cross throughout scripture." Pastor Jack was particularly struck by the power of Phillip's chapter on Abraham saying it was the best he's read.  This was enough to prompt me to hunt down the book--not as easy to find as some published in UK.

Now that I have it in hand, I'm less excited about the intellectual effort and discipline it will require.  But, this is the third or forth Christian book I've ordered in the last year or so and not read.  I'd much rather jump into Exodus with Pastor Jack.  All the more reason that I feel I should break the pattern and give it a go.

So, here's my go.  I'm hoping the act of posting will keep me accountable and active.
