
Showing posts from June, 2016

The Immutability of Love

I have been plugging along in 1 Corinthians the last month, moving slow, as typical.  In the past, 1 Corinthians has been a high point for me, but this time through I've had fewer highs.  Maybe it's where I am in my own life, maybe it's that I am understanding the book more accurately and less subjectively or emotionally.hodgepodge of things that it's impressed me as being a catch all of sorts...a letter Paul perhaps knew was necessary but didn't look forward to writing.  It's a "your kids need to snap back into shape what are you going to do?" kind of moment. The church at Corinth was behaving badly--disorderly.  The city of Corinth was a mess to begin with, characterized by sexual liberty, rudeness, division, arguments, and pride.  We don't have the other half--what the church said to Paul--but from the context, we can hope that they were earnestly seeking His will, how to resolve and address some rather complex but common issues. Whether in