
Showing posts from September, 2019

Don't Meddle, 1 Kings 14:1-14

Jack Abeelen Quit Meddling! 1 Kings 14:1-14 9/21/19 Amaziah, son of Joash King of Judah, 25 years old,  ruled 29 years "He did what was right in the sight of the Lord, yet not like David..." Backround Setting: 796 BC Joash King of Southern Kingdom of Judah broke into two kingdoms after Solomon died. Northern kingdom (Israel)  took 10 tribes, went north, changes feast days, lowered standards for priests, never walked with God, not good king among them, wiped out by Assyrians in 722, God had never ordained them/sanctioned them to be a kingdom, break away group, after Assyrian conquest, never established, then destroyed once and for all. Southern kingdom (Judah) 8 good kings of Southern Kingdom, 606 BC until Babylon took into captivity, for 70 years, then reestablished. Joash was king of southern area of Judah, then assassinated (chapter 12), then Amaziah came to throne, reigned 29 years, then killed, then Uzziah/Azariah 16 yo son comes to throne, ruled 52 years

Overview of Bible--Alistair Begg

from the series "The Kingdom of God," Volume I, March 2004 Alistar Begg sets up his series on Genesis with this broad, "30,000 feet" overview of the scriptures.  He begins by establishing that the Bible is one book, not a library of books that operate independently and as self-contained units, but as an interdependent collection inspired by one author, God. He's rightly big on context and frameworks: "And if the one thing that is necessary in real estate is location, then the one thing that is necessary in understanding the Bible is context—context." "For a framework to be of any use to us at all—or, if you like, a theme or an idea to be any use to us at all—two things need to be true of it: one, it must arise from the Bible itself rather than being pressed onto the Bible; and two, it must be broad enough to allow each part that fits into it to make its own distinctive contribution." Graeme Goldsworthy's definition of