Ecclesiastes 11


Jack Abeelen
Life Is A Gift For Us To Enjoy!
Ecclesiastes 11:7-12:1

All notes from are this sermon.

"I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. " -John 10:10

Solomon speaks of viewing life....
1. realistically--every day will not be a good day--there will be darkness and light. If anything comes into my life, it has passed through His hands. God won't waste five minutes of your hurt. He has a plan, and I rest all that (keeps our tears in a bottle). Solomon wants you realistic not fatalistic. Brother Lawrence--Practicing the Presence, simple pleasures fill life with joy. There is great joy in being young. The feast days were designed for the people to go home with joy, so why do we always see the opposite in church? Beatitudes---blessed? really? Yes because of God's presence. Paul on death row, "The joy of the Lord is your strength." Anymore than you want your children to walk around long faced, God doesn't want you walking around that way. Sanctified doesn't mean sad, it means set apart. I know pastors that are always mad. The weight of the world is on their should really? I just figure that God's on the throne and life can be joyful. It doesn't mean that life's always easy or that every situation is happy. But, He's the Lord. Be realistic. Have joy.

2. responsibly--But remember that there is an accountability in that one day you will stand before the Lord. We need that accountability. As a child, Remember that your Father will be home soon. But knowing God is in charge, you can let frustrations go, just like a child. Be careful when you are young, do the right thing in the Lord. Take care of yourself, don't do anything dumb. Don't marry by looks. Get it right when you are young.

3. relevantly--"Remember" is always attached to an action that is implied. When you get old it's hard. You get set in your ways. The older you get, the less likely you are to listen.
