Genesis 2

Jack Abeelen
In The Beginning (Part 3)
Genesis 2

Days 1-5 Wide Angle
Day 6 Zoom Lens

God introduces himself as Elohim, plural male  "Let God make us in our own imagine, our likeness."

On the 7th day, God was finished not tired. 
Then at this point, the decay cycle began....
Did the chicken or the egg come first?  The chicken.

Tend garden....
tend means to serve you.
at this point, joyful tending, secret trust

I know I've heard people say, "Well,why put the tree in there? It was perfect until then." But you have to have choice.Love demands choice, right? Love is an action of the will. If you bought a toy, a doll with a string on the back and every time you pulled it the voice of the doll would say, "I love you so much!" I don't think that would satisfying you.  If it would, you need therapy.  Genuine freedom to choose brings always the possibility or the potential for sin. -JA 

It's interesting to me and maybe you can check it out for yourself sociologically some time, wherever the gospel of Jesus has gone into the world, and really make an impact in a culture, that culture will hold high respect for the freedom of choice as far as faith is concerned. When that is not the case, the individual loss of freedom is sure to follow.  And whether that's a communist country or Nazi Germany or Islamic Republics, you find this unwillingess to honor choice that God gives to man when it comes to Him.  For Adam, the choice and the consequence were clearly laid out and he had to choose. -JA

comparable to him 
The woman was described as a "helper" which some women don't like the sense of that word, but 
same word as used of God in Psalm 46:1.
