Genesis 3, The Fall of Man

God's account of the present condition of fallen man.  We'll learn and see:
Satan's devices...God's heart toward sin and the sinner.
Man's instinctive knowledge of what sin is and how he tries to hide it from God.
God's power over all and His promises to save all.
Contrary to popular belief, man is not evolving upward.  He has rather suffered a devastating fall.
Because of it, His basic nature is not good, it's evil.
His innermost being has been disoriented because of sin.  He's been cut off from God, man is born spiritually dead.

Up till now, the most repeated phrase was "and God saw it was good" until it came to Eve and it was "very good."  Ideal marriage.  Could end it here, but it doesn't.

Chapter 3 v 1:  Now, the serpent....
Where did he come from?  How did he get in here?  Who is he?
Rev 12:7, speakers of a great war in Heaven, Michael and his angels fought against the dragon.  The great dragon was cast into the earth, angels cast out with him

John tells us in Revelation 12 that he's the devil, an angel thrown out, there was no room for him....

Ezekiel 28
The word of the Lord comes to the prince of ten verses, the Lord speaks to this prince... speak of a man who is filled with himself, who believed he was God, and consequently met God's judgement.
Edo Bael the 2nd, impt. Mediterranean sea port city

chief cherub/angel, perfect in beauty, dwelling in the garden of God with pipes, leader of worship, perfect in all of ways, until into his heart came the desire to be worshiped himself.

"You were in Eden, the garden of God; every precious stone was your covering, sardius, topaz, and diamond, beryl, onyx, and jasper, sapphire, emerald, and carbuncle; and crafted in gold were your settings and your engravings. On the day that you were created they were prepared.You were an anointed guardian cherub. I placed you; you were on the holy mountain of God; in the midst of the stones of fire you walked. You were blameless in your ways from the day you were created, till unrighteousness was found in you." Ezekiel 28:13-15

Isaiah 14:1
Begins the Lord's word to the King of Babylon.
5 I will's attached to Lucifer.
I will....

Eve took four steps.  Adam one.
The world often blames Eve.  Eve was deceived.  Adam was not, he sinned with his eyes wide open.
sin virus
Sin is so bad, we replace it with "hang ups," "Irish temper," we minimize it.
"In the cool of the day"--he interprets this as evening.
first sense of sin was shame...conscience active
fig leaves are the beginning of man's religion
It is truly instinctive that we hide when we do wrong.
Animals have a consciousness, plants don't.

Before fall--Spiritual man with consciousness in body.
After fall--body that has an awareness that has a dead spiritual side to his life.   Body leads.
Religion always leaves you feeling you need to do more.  Man reaching up to God.  Uneasy before God.
God reaching out to man.
Man reaching out to God--religion.   Notice God is not hiding from man. Man is hiding from God.

He wasn't the last to pass the buck and blame God and the woman.
Eve blames the serpent.

Satan has "followers" not children
"her seed" is a hint of the virgin birth...
Division between man and Satan now.
recommends: Donald Barnhouse, The Invisible War
It's about the war between God and Satan that began here.
Antisemitism begins here. A bigger thing than straight up racism.

Ground cursed---toil of work then die, nothing permanent
Eve--mother of all living
Troubles in marriage come from fall
Adam--comes from listening to wife
dominant attitude in heart of husband instead of natural headship.
Blood shed for the first time...(made tunics from skin)
