Genesis 42, Joseph

Lead in...
The seven years of plenty ended and the seven years of famine began.
Pharaoh directed the people to Joseph.
All the countries came to Egypt to buy grain.
Joseph is now 38, 39
2nd year of famine
has wife and children
been enjoying God's blessing, trusted that God knew...did not get slowed down or slowed up by what he experienced.  Did he understand God's purposes? No, he didn't.

Narrative---Biblical truths are found in the narrative itself. Joseph is Romans 8:28 lived out.  Not a man to give up.

Where's your limit in trusting God?

"All things are against me" -Jacob
God:  "All things work together for good.

Ephriam--fruitful, God has blessed me greatly

Judah changes--takes responsibility for brother
Reuben never changes--unstable as water
Simeon---instrument of cruelty (Shecham incident)

Think Joseph's law not Murphy's law:  "God has a plan"
