Genesis 24 & 25 Abraham Notes from Jack Abeelen

The work of the Holy Spirit
Genesis 24
Jack Abeelen

127 Sarah dies
3 years between chapters 23 to 24
last years of life pass away in relative silence except for this chapter

Marriage mirrors the holiest relationships we have with the Lord.
prearranged marriages are all throughout the scriptures
work on the concept that commitment comes before love, that will precedes romance
Isaac picks bride...paying the dowry---groom's family to the bride in Hebrew.  Put away for the kids...invested (except for interest)
Adam had it made--UPS from God.
Still practiced in Israel in Hassidic and India
under 1.3 percent divorce rate
who would you trust to pick your mate?
hand under thigh.....strongest would do anything under your power to make it so
Isaac 40 years old
It's trouble to not be yoked with an unbeliever, that's why Abraham asks Eleazar for an oath.
Two better than one, three better than two--beautiful image of God's involvement
500 miles to Haran...find girl that will leave all and go across the desert to meet a man she's never met

If you really want to find God's best for you, faithfully separate from the world.

"Now sometimes God answers prayer and it takes a long time. Abraham waits twenty five years for a boy. Sometimes it comes quick.When Daniel began to pray in Daniel Chapter10, and he prayed for three and a half weeks before he got an answer, then he got an explanation as to why it took so long. Other times God answers before we finish praying. Why the disparity? Here's my great lesson: I don't know. Man, if I could figure that out I'd always be praying for that immediate response wouldn't you? I'd word it just so. If I was in control, every answer would come immediately, but God holds both the answer and the timing in His hands. And if nothing else, learn that it is far better for God to hold the timing strings than for you to hold them." -Jack Abeelen

"So here's the way the Holy Spirit finds the world oftentimes.   I'll follow you later.  I'll get my life  together.  Let me live a little first.   Better you say,  Let me die a little first before I get saved.   So,  Can  we just wait a little while?  Can we just wait a few days, at least ten?   Well he says to them in verse 56,   'Do not hinder me, since the LORD has prospered my way; send me away so that I may go to my  master.'  And they said, 'We will call the young woman and ask her personally.'   That's very unlike what  we have talked about with the arranged marriages.   But,  they called Rebekah and they said, 'Will you  go with this man?'  And she said, 'I.  Will.  Go.'   Don't you love it?   Don't hinder me from serving the  LORD.   But the question that she is asked is indeed what it comes down to for everyone, because at  some point in your life, God sets the time and the place, and He makes sure you've heard the message." -Jack Abeelen

So much easier to talk than to listen
So much easier to sing than to hear...

Genesis 25

Abraham finishes well.

After Sara dies, he takes another wife, Katura at age 137 years old
Katura means perfume, sweet fragrance, used to be Abraham's concubine
6 sons more
Midea--where Moses goes out of Egypt to hide for 40 years
88 Michelangelo when painted Last Judgement and touching up Sistine.
Jacob and Esau were 15 when Abraham dies
2 years after Noah died
