John Calvin's Commentaries

At the advice of Spurgeon, I'm dipping into John Calvin's commentaries when able. Tough reading. Ponderous. But, there are gems that reveal the depth of his meditations and relationship with Christ along the way:

Portrait attributed to Hans Holbein the Younger

"There is scarcely any assistance God bestows, however evident and palpable it may be to our senses, which our indifference or proud disdain does not obscure." (on Psalm 18)

"If natural things always flowed in an even and uniform course, the power of God would not be so perceptible. But when he changes the face of the sky by sudden rain, or by loud thunder, or by dreadful tempests, those who before were, as it were, asleep and insensible, must necessarily be awakened, and be tremblingly conscious of the existence of a presiding God. Such sudden and unforeseen changes manifest more clearly the presence of the great Author of nature."
