More Reckoning...

 Well, I took the time to trace back when I began this last "cycle" of readings.  Would you believe August of 2019?  I'm thankful for this blog as it provides a record for my mind. It reminds me indisputably of what I've been reading and thinking.  My memory has always been sort of fluid, partially because the "big picture" and the "next question" is more interesting to me than remembering the answers and journey.

Oddly, I do love genealogy which seems to contradict this impulse, and I am fascinated by public and personal history.  Perhaps it's that I can't be bothered to spend too much time thinking about where I've been recently or I would, alas, become overwhelmed or lost in those ruminations.

So to summarize---before this cycle I followed a plan called the Fourfold Gospel.  I finished that in July 2019.  Here's a reference point.  Feb 2018-July 2019  Fourfold Gospel

In August 2019, I began again with Genesis, this new plan.

August 2019-November 2021--Chronological Bible Study, Navigators? 26 months

Feb 2018-July 2019  Fourfold Gospel--study of the gospels integrated chronologically. Length of study: 17 months

Nov 2017-Feb 2018  Grace Church's study on Isaiah, 4 months

June 2017-Nov 2017 Three women's Bible studies via Lifeway: 

Entrusted (2 Timothy)--Beth Moore

We Saved You a Seat--a study of Biblical Friendship--Lisa Jo Baker

All Things New (2 Corinthians)--Kelly Minter

May--June 2016--1st Corinthians

2015---a series of posts of gardening and the Bible combined

TBD...need to go back more!
