Section 83
(Probably in Judea, October, A. D. 29.)
LUKE 10:1-24.

"On His way to Jerusalem Jesus was sending out messengers to all the towns in order to give people opportunities to accept His message. Only Luke records this incident." -BKC

"The report of the seventy is more joyous than that of the twelve, for the sayings of the latter on their return were overshadowed by the news of John the Baptist's death."-BKC

"The 72 were supported by those who accepted their message (Luk_10:7). Through hospitality people would show whether or not they believed the message of the kingdom. To the believing cities the message was to be, The kingdom of God is near you. The Messiah was coming, and He could bring in the kingdom. Even the cities that rejected the message were to be told that the kingdom was near." -BKC

After spending time with His disciples, Jesus will now commission them for service. And as He does, we find in this chapter three clear priorities for life: We are to be ambassadors for Christ, neighbors like Christ, and lovers of Christ

"Rejected by the mass of the people, Jesus looked upon His humble followers and rejoiced in the Spirit, thanking the Father for His matchless wisdom. The seventy were not the wise and prudent men of this world. They were not the intellectuals or the scholars. They were mere babes! But they were babes with faith, devotion, and unquestioning obedience. The intellectuals were too wise, too knowing, too clever for their own good. Their pride blinded them to the true worth of God's beloved Son. It is through babes that God can work most effectively." -Believer's Bible
