Returning Disciples, Feeding 5,000, and a Night Storm

Section 63, Subdivision B  & Section 78

The disciples return from their mission and report back.

The mission of the twelve probably lasted several weeks, and the beheading of John the Baptist appears to have taken place about the time of their return. -Fourfold

Jesus received news of John's death about the time the disciples returned back, so John's death is shadowing over the next few episodes.

Jesus feeds 5,000.

Over the last bit, Grace and I have had several conversations about the best way to reach people and minister.  I like C.S. Robinson's simple approach here.  It's a response to the disciples urging Jesus to let the pe

"Now when it was evening, the disciples came to him and said, “This is a desolate place, and the day is now over; send the crowds away to go into the villages and buy food for themselves.” But Jesus said, “They need not go away; you give them something to eat.”"Matthew 14:15-16

"MEN WILL COME TO MORE REAL WISDOM AND USEFULNESS IN CARING FOR THE POOR AND THE HUNGRY WHEN THEY ACTUALLY ADMIT THAT SOMETHING MUST BE, AND CAN BE DONE BY THEMSELVES. There is a suggestion of great sense in the witticism of Sydney Smith: "Whenever A sees B in trouble, he is sure to say, with due consideration, that C ought to help him." Much of the most available and valuable human sympathy in this world is wasted in just a blind and suffused wishing that some plan could be made by which every relief could be given at an extraordinary effort. What is wanted is a quiet endeavour to help one man, or one woman, or one child, as the nearest one to our hand. Mass-meetings are valuable; great associations awake zeal and direct it; but individual effort will go farther, and reach the case more swiftly." -C.S. Robinson, BI

"He makes Himself ultimately responsible, but paves the way by forcing home the inadequacy of our resources apart from Him. It is as we break and distribute, that the living bread multiplies in our hands." FB Meyer

The same miracle is repeated every day by a different process, and we give no heed to it (Psa_104:14-15). -Biblical Illustrator

"You cause the grass to grow for the livestock and plants for man to cultivate, that he may bring forth food from the earth and wine to gladden the heart of man, oil to make his face shine and bread to strengthen man's heart.  -Psalm 104:14-15

One commentary mentioned that the women and children were not counted and would be sitting apart from the men as they didn't eat with each other.  Odd to think about how very different this world was from ours.

Section 63
 (Spring, A. D. 29.) 
Subdivision C
MATT. 14:22-36
MARK 6:45-56
JOHN 6:15-21

Rowing at Night in a Storm

"Jesus sent the disciples away in a boat. After dismissing the crowd… He went up into the hills alone to pray (cf. Joh_6:15). Sending the disciples into the boat did two things: it got them away from the crowd, and it gave them opportunity to ponder the significance of what had just happened through them." -BKC

It's so easy to see a story and not see beyond it.  But this verse from John brings me back to the obvious and not so obvious--that there is a context and higher purpose to everything that happened and was recorded:

"But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name." John 20:31

Alexander MacLaren figured this too, long before:

"All the miracles are parables, and this eminently so."  A. MacLaren

"But soon they were in a storm. Somewhere between 3 and 6 in the morning. When therefore they had rowed about five and twenty or thirty furlongs [that is, about three and a half miles, or about half way across the sea], they behold Jesus walking on the sea, and drawing nigh unto the boat: b and would have passed by them"  -Fourfold

Christ on the Sea, Eugene Delacroix

The disciples must have been physically and emotionally exhausted.  On the heels of returning from their sending, they return to oppressive crowds, Jesus' patience with the crowds, a night rowing across the Sea of Galilee and now a "ghost."These men were not philosophers but workers--following Christ's lead.

 "And Peter answered him and said, Lord, if it be thou, bid me come unto thee upon the waters. And he said, Come. And Peter went down from the boat, and walked upon the waters to come to Jesus."

"This scene comports with the character of Peter, who had always a rash willingness to go into danger, and a lack of steadfastness to hold out through it." -Fourfold

Peter was actually beginning to sink (katapontizesthai) to plunge down into the sea, “although a fisherman. -Robertson's Word Pictures

And suddenly, "The Lord is nowhere" becomes "The Lord is now here" by adding a little space. -Jon Courson

"He uses the element we dread as the path for His approach." -Meyer

"Be of good cheer, and if Jesus bids you come to Him on the water, always believe that His commands are enabling." -Meyer

"In the reckoning of men there is always a deficit; in the reckoning of Christ there is always a surplus." -Lange, Biblical Illustrator
The disciples were completely amazed (existanto, lit., “out of their minds”; cf. Mar_2:12; Mar_5:42) among themselves at this revelation of Jesus’ presence and power. -BKC

"When they reached the boat, the storm calmed and the amazed disciples worshiped Him. Their concept of Jesus had been expanded and they acknowledged Him as the Son of God. Their view of Jesus was in direct contrast with the men of Gennesaret (Mat_14:34), a fertile plain southwest of Capernaum. When these men learned Jesus had arrived, they brought all their sick for healing. Their touching His cloak recalls a hemorrhaging woman in that area who had touched His garment (Mat_9:20). Though they acknowledged Jesus as a great Healer, they did not fully comprehend who He is. The disciples, however, were growing continually in their comprehension of His true identity."

"and as many as touched, were made whole." We do not find that they were desirous to be taught by him, only to be healed. If ministers could not cure people's bodily diseases, what multitudes would attend them! But it is sad to think how much more concerned the most of men are about their bodies than about their  souls." -Matthew Henry

Lord, may we grow continually in our understanding of you.  May we see all facets--not just those that appeal to our immediate human needs.  Grant us perspective.
