Flannery O'Connor's Battle with Lupus

On Flannery O'Connor and her battle with lupus:

"Her faith and habits of mind allowed O’Connor to concentrate on the essentials, and she mined her personal struggles to great effect in her stories and novels. In a sense, her vulnerable body, utterly dependent on the care of others, served as a prism through which she viewed a complacent world that did not have the daily reminder of life’s awful fragility."   

“O'Connor's works as she described them are about the action of grace in the lives of characters who aren't always open to God's grace,” Kurt told me.
“God is constantly trying to engage each person in ways that are not always clean and tidy. God's grace often appears in the messiness of life and in the suffering that we endure.”
 -Joan Desmond, National Catholic Register

“The mind serves best when it’s anchored in the Word of God,” she wrote in a letter. “There is no danger then of becoming an intellectual without integrity.” 
