Private Living and Contentment

Just love this commentary from Frederick Brotherton Meyer on God's work in our lives.  Although the comments were written in reference to Elijah in 1 Kings 17, his words speak beyond the passages to life in general:

On home and our character in the more private parts of our lives:

"It is one thing to commune with God in the solitudes of nature, and to perform splendid acts of devotion and zeal for Him in the presence of thousands; but it is quite another to walk with Him day by day in the midst of a home, with its many calls for the constant forgetfulness of self...

There is a constant need for the exercise of gentleness, patience, self-sacrifice, self-restraint...

Thy home-life was chosen for thee by the unerring skill of One who knows thee better than thou knowest thyself, and who could not mistake. It has been selected as the best school of grace for thee." 

On daily contentment:

"Elijah teaches us contentment. God’s rule is—day by day. The manna fell on the desert sands day by day. Our bread is promised to us for the day. As our day, so will our strength be. And they who live like this are constantly reminded of their blessed dependence on their Father’s love. If God guarantees, as He does, our support, does it much matter whether we can see the sources from which He will obtain it? It might gratify our curiosity; but it would not make them more sure."
