Commander of the Army of the Lord--Joshua 5

Here are some thoughtful parallels between the incident of the "Commander of the Army of the Lord" and other references to an angelic army from the BKC:

"What kind of a military force did this divine Commander lead? The “army of the Lord” was surely not limited to the army of Israel though it may have been included. More specifically, it referred to the angelic host, the same “army” of heaven that later surrounded Dothan when Elisha and his servant appeared to be greatly outnumbered by the Aramean army (2Ki_6:8-17). In the Garden of Gethsemane at the time of His arrest, Jesus referred to this heavenly army when He said that 12 legions of angels were ready to defend Him (Mat_26:53). In Heb_1:14 they are described as “ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation.” Though invisible, they serve and care for God’s children in times of great need." -BKC

This idea of the unseen world interacting with the seen is worth pondering.
