Joseph, Genesis 37

"God’s sovereign choice of a leader often brings out the jealousy of those who must submit." -BKC

Astute point, and this goes back to Cain & Abel---the Lord preferred Abel's sacrifice and instead of looking at his own sin, Cain chose to take out Abel. Jacob fled from his brother's anger after being chosen for the blessing, and then Joseph was sold as a slave as a result of his brother's jealousy of his dreams and righteous behavior.

The Lord's choice of another should prompt us to humble reflection, but our sin nature longs to tear the "chosen" down instead...misdirected energy for sure.


Gen 37:11 But while his brothers were jealous of Joseph, his father wondered what the dreams meant.

Jacob's reflection here reminds me of a similar reflection of Mary about Jesus:

"But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart." -Luke 2:19

Pondering parents are wise parents. Jacob lived a life of prolonged conflict and alienation from his family, so such a dream would certainly cause him to wonder and project what the Lord may have in store for his favorite son. Mary pondered the words of the shepherds after her son's birth.

I often wonder what plans the Lord has for my own children--where will He direct them? What work does he have before them? How has He inclined them, "bent" their twigs?
