Proverbs 25

"God delights in concealing things; scientists delight in discovering things." Proverbs 25:1

What I remember:

A trustworthy friend is like a drink of cool water during a hot harvest.
A person who cannot control their temper is like a broken down city without walls.
The right words at the right time are like apples of gold in a setting of silver.
If your enemy is hungry feed him, thirsty, give him something to drink---like heaping coals on his head (quoted in Romans by Paul)
A soft answer breaketh the bones.
Kings do not reveal all that they know.

*********************************  The rest:

As the heavens for height and the earth for depth, so the heart of kings is unsearchable.  Proverbs 25:3
Remove dross from silver, remove corruption from authority and kingship will be God honoring
Do not put yourself forward or assume the best seat, but let someone else acknowledge you and put you in the honorable position.

Whoever sings songs to a heavy heart is like someone who takes off a coat on a cold day or vinegar on baking soda.  Proverbs 25:20
