Jewish Timeline

My pitiful but real effort to get the dates and big picture right:

1400 BC Joshua conquers Canann, 12 tribes, tribal state, period of Judges

1000BC Jewish monarchy begins with Saul

960 BC Solomon completed the first temple

Jewish Nation split into North (Israel) and South (Judah)

722 BC Israel conquered by Assyria--modern day Iranh (Tiglath-Pileser III) 8th century, 10 lost tribes

586 BC Babylon destroyed the first temple, Judah falls to Babylon (modern day Iraq)

539 BC Babylon falls to Persia, Cyrus II

538 BC Decree to rebuild the temple and allow Jews to return

70 year period. Babylonian Exile & Captivity. (586-516 BC) Ezra & Nehemiah reflect the in-between two temple periods, under Persian rule, they were allowed more independence.

515-516 BC Completion and dedication of the 2nd temple as a result of decree by Darius. (Ezra 6:15)

458 BC Ezra travels to Jerusalem with decree from Artaxerxes, Ezra 7:7-9

331 BC Alexander the Great conquers Persia

165 BC Antichus IV tries to force Jews to become Greek--Macabeean kindgom 100 years

63 BC Rome takes control of Jerusalem

70 AD Titus (Roman emperor) destroyed 2nd temple, diaspora begins
