Mark 7, the Evil Within

From BKC---I find this list of sinful behavior food for thought--especially interesting to have the Greek words thrown in there too:

"The catalog of evil Jesus gave has a strong Old Testament flavor and consists of 12 items. First, there are six plural nouns (in Gr.) depicting wicked acts viewed individually: sexual immorality (porneiai, “illicit sexual activities of various kinds”); theft (klopai); murder (phonoi); adultery (moicheiai, illicit sexual relations by a married person); greed (pleonexiai, “covetings”), insatiable cravings for what belongs to another; malice (ponēriai, “wickednesses”), the many ways evil thoughts express themselves.
Second, there are six singular nouns depicting evil dispositions: deceit (dolos), cunning maneuvers designed to ensnare someone for one’s personal advantage; lewdness (aselgeia; cf. Rom_13:13; Gal_5:19; Eph_4:19; 2Pe_2:2, 2Pe_2:7), unrestrained and unconcealed immoral behavior; envy (opthalmos  ponēros, lit., “an evil eye,” a Heb. expression for stinginess; cf. Pro_23:6), a begrudging, jealous attitude toward the possessions of others; slander (blasphēmia), injurious or defaming speech against God or man; arrogance (hyperēphania, used only here in the NT), boastfully exalting oneself above others who are viewed with scornful contempt; and folly (aphrosynē), moral and spiritual insensitivity."

We blow over such passages quickly as we are off to the next chapter we need to read.  We have a tendency to assume in our hearts:  "I've got this, God."  But which one of us does not need to stop and consider the list.  These insidious things creep into our hearts and minds so readily:

6 plural nouns:  sexual immorality (porneiai")---imagine the word "porn" comes from this

Mar 7:21  For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts...

What thoughts are evil?  What does he mean by this?

My emphasis below:

"One of the great lessons in this passage is that we must constantly test all teaching and all tradition by the Word of God, obeying what is of God and rejecting what is of men. At first a man may teach and preach a clear, scriptural message, gaining acceptance among Bible-believing people. Having gained this acceptance, he begins to add some human teaching. His devoted followers who have come to feel that he can do no wrong follow him blindly, even if his message blunts the sharp edge of the Word or waters down its clear meaning.

It was thus that the scribes and Pharisees had gained authority as teachers of the Word. But they were now nullifying the intent of the Word. The Lord Jesus had to warn the people that it is the Word that accredits men, not men who accredit the Word. The great touchstone must always be, “What does the Word say?” -Believer's Bible Commentary
