Zechariah 4:10--No Small Thing

I love the sentiment of respecting right beginnings---even though things start out small, if the gesture, if the quest, if the act is in honor of the Lord, if it is an act of love or righteousness, the Lord is pleased.

In the book of Zechariah, one of the main themes is for the prophet to encourage them to rebuild the temple. This is such an applicable image for much "smaller things" in our own lives that get broken down, pillaged, ruined.  It's hard to run against that wave of discouragement and begin anew.

But Zechariah notes:

Zec 4:10  For who hath despised the day of small things? for they shall rejoice, and shall see the plummet in the hand of Zerubbabel with those seven..." (King James)

Zec 4:10  Do not despise these small beginnings, for the LORD rejoices to see the work begin, to see the plumb line in Zerubbabel's hand." (New Living)

It's encouraging to me to remember that the Lord delights in the beginning of a work, not just the end:

"for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin..."

We emphasize completion, the satisfying sweep of the pencil when we cross the item off the "to do" list and move on.  But, here it seems to suggest that the Lord's emphasis is different.  He delights in the day that when--going against our fears and reservations, and general inertia--we first write that item down, roll up our sleeves and make a beginning of the work.

Good to keep in my mind and heart.
