The door

"Behold, I stand at the door and knock."  Rev 3:20

Although I've read this verse many times, today I really saw it. What kind of God stands at the door of his creation and asks to come in? What kind of God knocks--not presuming--but asking?

The God of John's Revelation (and I believe of the universe) seeks us out. He bothers to comes to our door. He doesn't barge in like some relatives may.  He rings the doorbell.

Now, I am not a "slap you up the side of your head" kind of  Jesus-follower. I won't shame you into thinking about God. I won't insist my perception is sharper, my view more accurate. I will knock too--won't shove my thoughts on you.

But, it's worth thinking about this image--this story--this metaphor.

A God bothering to knock...
