Section 140 & 141
(Sea of Galilee)
JOHN 21:1-25
My summary: The disciples were fishing at night unsuccessfully. Jesus called them from the shore to cast their nets, and they responded, bringing in a haul of fish. Peter recognized that this was Jesus and swam to him. The rest brought the boat and fish to the shore, where Jesus had a fire and invited them to breakfast of bread and fish. Oddly, Jesus asks Peter three times in slightly different words if he loves him more than the others. When Peter says yes, he replies, "then feed my sheep."
"Some critics have argued that this chapter is anticlimactic after the great conclusion in Joh_20:1-31, and therefore was written by another (anonymous) writer. But the linguistic evidence does not support this notion." -BKC
I find it noteworthy that the gospel of John forgoes the birth narrative of Christ, going all the way back to the foundations of the universe and life. But at the end, John takes greater pains than the others to include additional episodes and details, tying his account together in light of his broader purpose.
I'm not sure if I agree or disagree with this commentary from the BKC:
"Peter went fishing since he may have misunderstood the Lord’s commission (Joh_20:22). Peter also had a family to support and undoubtedly had a sense of failure over his sin in denying the Lord. His leadership quality is evident in that six other disciples went with him. Their lack of success without Jesus’ aid (cf. Joh_15:5) and their great catch with His help gave them direction for their new lives."
"Jesus therefore saith unto them, Children,
have ye aught to eat?"
"Jesus does not use the affectionate
teknia--"children," but the familiar and colloquial paidia--
"boys." His question was like that of a stranger, or
neighbor, who wished to buy fish. Their brevity bespeaks their disappointment at having
a purchaser, but nothing to sell him." -Fourfold
"And he said unto
them, Cast the net on the right side of the boat, and ye
shall find. They cast therefore, and now they were not
able to draw it for the multitude of fishes."
movements of large bodies of fish in the waters of Galilee
are frequently visible to one standing on the shore.
Supposing that the stranger thus saw fish upon the right
side of the boat, the disciples readily obeyed his command,
without suspecting who it was that gave it." -Fourfold
"There's the contemplator, the mystic, John.
Literally "stripped for work" to his undergarments, Peter grabs his coat and dives in. That's the doer, the activist, Peter." -MacLaren
"Jesus saith unto him, If I will that he
tarry till I come, what is that to thee? Follow thou me." -John 21:22
"It was none of Peter's business whether John's earthly lot
was easier or harder than his own; his business was to be
faithful in the pathway whither the Lord led him.-Fourfold
Peter was grieved because he said to him the third time, “Do you love me?” and he said to him, “Lord, you know everything; you know that I love you.”
The question conveys a gentle rebuke for his former extravagant professions.-VWS
Godet remarks: “There is a remarkable resemblance between the present situation and that of the two scenes in the previous life of Peter with which it is related. He had been called to the ministry by Jesus after a miraculous draught of fishes; it is after a similar draught that the ministry is restored to him. He had lost his office by a denial beside a fire of coal; it is beside a fire of coal that he recovers it.”
Section 141
(A mountain in Galilee.)
MATT. 28:16, 17
I. COR. 15: 6
"Now the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain to which Jesus had directed them. And when they saw him they worshiped him, but some doubted." Matthew 28:16-17
"Then he appeared to more than five hundred brothers at one time, most of whom are still alive, though some have fallen asleep." 1 Corinthians 15:6
I find myself wishing I had more details and context for these appearances.
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