Man's Highest Good
"God and God alone is man's highest good."
We are made different from all other creatures, which may enjoy "visible and sensuous things," but don't seek anything beyond this. Because we were created in God's image, even though we have experienced the fall, there are fragments of God's original design and beauty in us that speak to our sense of guilt and past glory. They draw us toward Him and a future Heaven. Because we are made for more, we are never fully satisfied with the physical but have yet to attain the full eternal and spiritual. We are caught between for now.
Our minds have a sense of will and reason beyond the immediate and concrete. Our heart is the seat of our being, and we should strive to keep it pure because all things flow out of it. As the heart pumps blood, our spiritual heart pumps spiritual things.
The world is made in such a way that no kingdom will perfect it. It cycles through attempts at order, but cannot fulfill the promise.